
First tattoo tips for beginners: before you get tattooed – BestTattooGuide.com


So finally you have decided to have a tattoo. Yes its a good idea to get your first tattoo. The excitement to rush at your near tattoo shop and having a cool tattoo asap may be proved horrible idea.

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The decision taken in hurry to get tattooed asap then you may end up with horrible tattoo and that tattoo is going to remain with you through your life and become your identity which you don’t want.

Get that tattoo removed with thousand of dollar with leaser treatment also would be painful for you and your wallet.

Let us help with our first tattoo tips guide to get your first tattoo right.

Here are several tattoo tips before you get inked. follow and read these first tattoo tips to get rid of unknown future problem regarding your tattoo selection and many more.

First Tattoo tip : Pickup a right tattoo design.

The no. one first tattoo tip we would like to give you is regarding tattoo selection and it should be. Picking up a tattoo design is always the most difficult. The reason is that it will be going to remain forever with you under your skin.

So always 100% make sure that its your opinion and you have personel connection with it and you must feel it in your heart . A identity and meaning should be connected with it. So your going to happy with it through your life and never regret to your tattoo design.
A wise men has advised that before to make a permanent tattoo make a temporary tattoo so you can make sure that you will be okay with your tattoo choice.

Another first tattoo tip : Don’t rush.

The another first tattoo tip for beginners is don’t rush because 33% people later regrets of having a unwanted tattoo in their life time so take your time. Tattoo made in hurry can lead to a unwanted terrible tattoo. So don,t rush and do your home work. People in excitement and hurry would to to tattoo drawn asap. Think twice to choose a design and other think because this going to remain with you through your life and become part of you. See all aspect before tattooing.

Another best tattoo tip 3: Research about your artist.

The quality, design and safety of your tattoo is all depend on the artist who make tattoo on your body. The third best tattoo tips for you is to have some research on your artist to whom your going to make tattoo. Confirm that the desired tattoo your going to make can be made perfectly or not by your chooses artist. It all depends on artist skill knowledge.

Always check the social media popularity. Check portfolio and read review of your tattoo artist before tattooing from him. Visit his shop and get some idea about his work from there.

Must follow tattoo tip: Never done it on the cheap.

The another first tattoo tip for beginner we can give you that you must consider is that never done it on cheap prize because this going to remain on your body for all your life. Marking your body permanently is big decision. Make sure the ink which applied on your skin must be best in quality and the artist who make a tattoo on your body must be experienced and professional so the job get done right. He must use sterilized high quality infection free equipment and accessories and always use best quality ink while tattooing.

Make sure that your tattoo artist must choose good quality products like tattoo machine, antibacterial soap, tattoo numbing cream and make sure it should be properly starelized.

Allow after care instruction properly.

Here another tattoo tips for beginners or everyone that after tattooing make it clean and follow on the instruction given by your artist. So your skin would heel quickly and effectively. After tattooing ask your artist about after care product to use. Generally most of the tattoo shop sell after care product you can buy from them.

Don’t drunk alcohol after several of tattooing because it can make your blood thin and which lead to more bleeding and it will dehydrate your body which will further slow down your skin heeling. So at-least wait for a week.

Don’t directly come with the contact of UV sun rays till your skin would not properly heeled. Otherwise direct sun rays may effect your tattoo color or fade it.

Ask other before to choose design.

There is nothing wrong to ask or to show the design you going to get to your friends and closed ones. Some time you may get good advice or get better tattoo design than you have chooses or at least consult with your artist or the person who have more knowledge in tattoo then you may be you get good advice. May be they help you to take better decision.

Don’t drunk before tattoo.

Some people think that drunk before tattoo is a good idea but believe me its not. In pictures we have seen actor drink alcohol before tattooing and have tattoo. Don’t follow this idea be attentive and conscious your going to marking your skin forever. Alcohol will make your blood tine and dehydrate your body which we lead to more bleeding and slowdown skin heeling later.

Final verdict.

we hope, it is sufficient that if you follow all above given first tattoo tips and advice then you would successfully get your first tattoo without any mistake and regrets. Further also ask artist and consult with your friends more precaution and advice for your first tattoo get done.

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